Thursday, September 25, 2008

The girls going away party

The 2 girls from number 17, ,Donna and Karen (Karn-age), are going home in a few days so they had 1 last big bash before they went.

These girls are gas. At any given time of the day they'll be going into all the houses, drunk off their faces, full of energy, and getting people to come party with them! They are the life and soul of tge whole street.

But alas, they're going back to Kildare.

The night was fun, as expected. We started off in the terraces having beers, and a bit of a sing song with me guitar. Then when everyone was suitably drunk, we went to the Side bar in town. More drinking ensued and it got pretty messy! Then afterwards, back home to the terraces for more beer and fun.

Myself and Anne-Marie went to bed and left them continue to party. Next morning, their rooms looked like a bomb went off. Bodies all over the place, mattresses and sheets everywhere, beer bottles here, bags of goon there!! haha nothing less than you'd expect from the Terraces!

Unfortunately, the girls go home now in the next few days. They'll be packing today. Its gonna be a lot quieter without them.

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