Saturday, September 20, 2008

First week in Sydney

So we've settled into our new house. Myself and Anne-Marie are in number 25 on the street, Ciara and Donna are in number 24, and Dave and Nikki are in 25. Christy is still floating about somewhere. There was no more free rooms on the street so he's staying the hostel down the street, which is owned by the same people. When I say he' staying there, I mean he was told he has a room there, but he's still actually sleeping out of the back of the van! We still have them for another 2 weeks so he's fine. Although, the guys in the office told us that another room in number 24 will be empty next week, and the other room will also have 1 bed so myself and Anne-Marie will move into the room with 2 beds, and Christy can share with the guy thats in the other room. Sorted! :D

I'm starting to get used to this place now. We live right beside the bus stop where we can get a bus right into the centre of the city. We went in to see the Opera House. I felt like such a tourist! But it was good. After seeing the opera house on Tv from the opposite side of the world, it was good to finally be here in person! From the opera house, you had agreat view across the river and of the harbour bridge. Yuo can actually do a walk across the harbour bridge, but it takes 3 hours and theres no toilet break! Haha, that might put us off doing it, but it'd still be fun to do it! We'll see how we get on in the future.

So, now we're settled, we need to figure out how to get ourselves a job! To the jobsites I go....

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