Saturday, June 13, 2009

I got a job...finally!!

Its true!!

After 3 months without a job, I have finally landed myself a nice cushy little number!

I am currently working for a huge mining company here in Australia, doing computers, well, not really doing computers, but being involved in people getting upgraded computers. The company is upgarding everyone to Windows Vista so need helpers to go around and make sure everything is working fine on their systems. Thats where I come in.

Its a pretty handy job. Decent money too. I've already stocked up on crates of beer and have booked a day trip to Rottnest Island.

Next stop is Transformers 2 with the Gold Pass, which basically means you get to watch the movie in a huge comfy chair, with a table beside you that gets stocked up with champagne when you need it!! Its 3 times the price of a regualr ticket but what the hell, I've been living crap for 3 months now! I deserve it! And it'll get the missus off my back for a while too!! :D