Monday, March 2, 2009

Moving house

Yesterday afternoon, we moved to our new place in Northbridge. We were paying 425 dollars a week in our last place so the new rent of 290 a week is a lot easier for us, especially with AnneMarie still out of work.

We spent all yesterday (bank holiday monday) packing and moving with the help of Christy. It took us 3 runs to get all our stuff moved! How did we manage to pick up all this excess baggage! In Thailand I had the one rucksack and carry on, now we had about 6 or 7 bags!!

Anyway, the new house is nice. Its 3 bedroom, like the last place, but a little smaller. It has all the essentials, ie 50 inch sony plasma television, Sony Playstation 3, and Microsoft Xbox out the back. Well, maybe not the bare essentials, but enough to get by!! :D

The house has a nice living room, with actual real life sofas (something that was missing from the last place!!) and the back garden has concrete and brick tiles leading up to the converted garage. The landlord has it converted into an outdoor lounge room. with sofas down either side of the coffee table, and a TV, DVD player and XBOX in the cabinet. Perfect for warm summer weekends when friends come over for a beer! :D

The problem now is, yesterday was a Bank holiday (Labour Day) so I wasnt working. Monday is also the day I submit my timesheet in work! As a result, I never submitted it! I didnt even think about it until I was getting into bed after 10! Cue a scramble to get my laptop out and mail my Agency rep about getting my timesheet approved. My boss and agency are located over the east of the country so they didnt have the Bank holiday and were all working, hence why the submmission date was still in effect. I don't think its fair that they don't take into account other states public holiday. Now I don't have enough for next weeks rent! Hopefully I'll get paid this Thursday.....else we might be moving again!!

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