Monday, January 19, 2009

We got a house

We got a house!

After spending a week in the hostel, paying 400 dollars for the week, we found a nice new house, for 425 a week. I suppose its pricey but the house has a nice big king size bed, a flat screen TV in every room with all the Foxtel channels and a big flat screen in the main room. The house is really nice too, and has a nice little seating area in the back garden, with a picnic bench, and another telly with Setanta Sports! Brilliant! Now I can finally watch the premiership and see Irish 6 nations matches. Its located on Palmerston St., right across the park from Rosie O'Gradys pub.

The problem though, with neither of us having a job is, how much longer can we keep up paying this rent. The rent in Syndey was 290 a week and we were both working. Hopefully I can get a job soon.

The landlord is mad in the head too. He was driving us around all the houses he has in Northbridge, along with another couple, and he came across like a right little Del Boy! Hes obviously had experience selling these houses before!!

Incidentally, we ended up meeting up with the couple again for a few beers after. At least thats someone we know in Perth now that we can go for a few pints with when the situation calls for it! :D

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