So, next day, we had to GET THE BOAT to Phi Phi island. It took 2.5 hours or so and was an absolute killer!! There was people getting sick all over the place. Everywhere you look, people are availing of the complimentar sickbag! Luckily however, I didn't...thank jaysus!
At the moment, we've been on this island the last couple of days. The place is amazing. There's an irish bar (where is there not?) but its crap. Its an Irish "themed" pub, rather than an actual Irish bar. We were the only Irish in there.
We went on a pub crawl last night. Free bucket of whiskey and coke between midnight and ten past midnight in Tiger bar. Jaysus, once that kicked in, that was the end of it! I turned up at the hotel room this mornin covered in sand, soaked from head to toe. My phone is broken, and I have a big cut down my leg. How it got there is anyones guess! We went to the Hippy Bar on the opposite side of the island. I had to walk back from the Hippy bar in my borrowed flip flops. Not an easy task, for me! I didn't have my runners as I had ruined them earlier on in the night on the other beach party after I jumped thruough a hoop of fire and landed in the ocean. That was fun, but it destroyed my only pair of runners with water and sand. I was some sight to behold this morning at breakfast, still shitfaced, getting breakfast in the hotel. I got a big mountain of food (a far cry from Burger King on Grafton St after a night out) still while soaking wet!!
Something I noticed over here is the large number of Irish people. I knew there'd be some...just not this much!!
The hotel is lovely anyway. Nice little bungalows, surrounded by green plants and lizards and sorts of other local wildlife! I could have sworn I even heard a cow! MOOO!!!
I have to go get some grub now and probably go back out again. We've been out every nite since we left Dublin with the exception of the whole day we missed while travelling from Bangkok to Phuket. I honestly haven't a clue what day it is these days!! There's no structure, just drinkin', eatin', sleepin', and drinkin...ITS GREAT!!
The massage ladies here are funny too. You walk passed and they'll say "massage? massage? sexy man, massage?". It's funnier in person when you can hear it in their accent! Oh, and the vehicle of choice on the island is bicycle. They fly up the skinny paths at you and nearly knock you over!! All the warning you receive is, if you're lucky, a bicycle bell. If they're not equipped with one, they'll say "beep beep". Not 100% safe. Haven't they ever heard of cycle lanes???

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